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Getting started with a new project

Sometimes the hardest thing is to get started, especially when time is short and when you do have a moment to yourself, it’s evening, you’re tired and the last thing you want to do is tackle a new project.

There are some options for kick starting the motivation:

  • If you need help getting organised, setting priorities, determining what's next, planning your approach to the work/life balance, a life coach might be able to help.
  • If you are looking for a change of career and need direction, a career consultant might be the way to go.
  • If you have a business idea and want some help or motivation or support as you set out, there are business consultants who can support you.
  • If you know what you want to be doing, but you are not yet qualified, you need to look at the training options and see if any of them suit you.
  • If you think you know what you'd like to do, but you don't want to commit to the full cost of training, just incase it isn't the right thing, why not try it out. first? Volunteer for some work experience.

You'll need some help with the kids for most of these options, but don't give up! This could be an investment in your future. Look at using Occasional Care or a Nanny for a few hours, ask a friend to do a child care swap with your, or see if your family can help.


Life Coaching

What is Life Coaching?

Life coaching helps clients to determine and achieve their personal goals. It is usually a one on one approach and life coaches use a variety of methods to help clients determine their goals and how to reach them. For example, they may apply mentoring, values assessment, behaviour modification, behaviour modeling and goal setting techniques. A lot of these techniques are similar to those used in executive coaching or management and leadership training.

Note: coaching is not targeted at psychological illness, and coaches are not therapists, although some may have this training. Please check their qualifications and experience with the individual coach.



Career Consultancy

If you are looking at what you can do and what you would be most suited to, a career consultant can help. There seem to be two kinds:

- The first offers a standard approach which involves computer assisted testing to analyse your personality and preferences and what would best suit you. Personally I found this to be a bit of a waste of time, as I think I know myself pretty well and felt at the end of the process, the consultant also knew me fairly well, but it didn’t go any further. I guess I’m saying the tests were fairly accurate, so if you’ve not done much self analysis, it’d be worth giving it a go, but don’t expect a full solution without a lot more expense.

- The second approach was more personal and involved a one on one brain storming session in which you talked through various options and the practicalities of each.
This requires you to have an idea or two as to which direction you want to go in. If you are going in with a blank bit of paper, I’d suggest the analysis first.



Business Consultancy

If you would like to set up your own business, but you're not sure what's involved, or even if your idea will float, you can get some help.

A Business consultant can work through the business idea with you and help you in the initial phases. They can also provide expertise in the financial aspects, registering your business, whether you need to register for GST, filing your tax returns.

You may also need some legal advice. Do you need a license, do you need to be registered with the Government? What's involved in employing someone?



Training and Education

While the children are young could be an ideal time to consider some additional training. If you are looking for a career change, there are many different alternatives for getting qualified, often with the option of studying from home if that makes it more convenient. Whether you are looking for a full degree, a trade qualification, a diploma or certificate, or simply to increase your knowledge in a particular are, the course for you is out there...(more)


Work Experience

A friend of mine thinks she would like to be a teacher, but the amount of training involved to get qualified is daunting. And what if it ends up not being the right career choice? It is a huge investment in terms of both time and money. So how can she be sure it is the right thing for her, that she's not just looking at teaching because having school holidays at home would be very convenient?

Try some work experience. It is a standard approach for students in their final years at school and a lot of organisations are very willing to take on a work experience student for a week or more. Ok, so we're a bit older than the average work experience student, but a certain level of maturity can only be advantageous for an organisation, and they're going to be pretty sure you want to be there, not that you're there because the school expects you to be.

So how do you go about it? (more)




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