Setting up a Small
A lot of the working from home options I have described
require you to set up your own business in the sense
that you must have an ABN, be registered with the tax
office and file GST returns and tax returns.
If for example you become a Family Day Carer, you will
be registered with your local Family Day Care Office
and they will regulate the business, but from a financial
and tax perspective, it is your business and you are
responsible for managing your income and expenses, the
book keeping, the accounts and the tax returns.
Planning you small business
Setting up a business correctly though, is not just
about filling out the right forms and meeting government
regulations. You also need to do enough research to
be confident that your business has a market and is
going to be successful. You need to define your product
or service, work out how much it costs to produce and
do a cashflow forecast based on set up costs and projected
ongoing costs verses earnings.
Industry Requirements
When setting up a business, you need to be aware of
any industry and general requirements for that business.
For example, operating in a safe environment, or obtaining
appropriate licenses.
Using the child care example again, there are very
strict regulations governing child care, including Family
Day Care. You need to be aware that you cannot just
operate a child care business from home without meeting
those regulations. You either need to be registered
personally with the Government as a child care provider,
or you need to be registered with your Family Day Care
Office and they provide the regulation and ensure you
meet requirements.
Another example is the music industry. One of the mothers
at my daughter's pre school converts your photos or
videos onto CDs and can set them to music. She has had
to purchase a license in order to allow her to use the
music she has chosen on her CDs. It would be very easy
to not think about something like thing, and ultimately
find you were breaking the law!
Help setting up a small business
There are a number of organisations you can get help
from when setting up your small business:
This Small Business Development Corporation website
contains information about starting and running a small
business in Western Australia. However, a lot of the
information is relevant to all of us. For example, it
has a section on Starting and Operating your Business
which includes ideas for home based businesses, feasibility
studies, managing your money, getting started, operating
at home and growing your business.
The Australian Tax Office - Information
for new businesses
The Australian
Tax Office website offers a range of information
to help new businesses getting started. This includes:
Australian Trademark Online Search
- Australian Trademark online search system allows
you to do a search of the Australian Trade Mark system
SPAM Act 2003
Act 2003 - requires you to meet a number of requirements
before you are able to send a commercial electronic
message - SMS, MMS and email
The Entrepreneur Business Centre (
The EBC has start up guides for businesses and provides
a freee phone advice service. It also has a network
of business coaches specialising in different areas.